
14.1.2010 Glaciers and Climate Change in Iceland: Outlook in the Beginning of the 21st Century

Glaciers cover 11% of Iceland. They are rapidly shrinking. The consequences of climate change is that glaciers will dissappear in 100-200 years. This presentation was origanally presented to Al Gore, the 45th Vice President of The United States, ... More...

10.4.2008 Glaciers and Climate Change in Iceland: Outlook in the Beginning of the 21st Century

Glærur um rannsóknir á jöklum á Íslandi og fyrirhugaða rannsókn á jöklum í Himalajafjöllum með þátttöku íslenskra vísindamanna. Erindið var flutt á fræðslufundi á Bessastöðum sem forseti Íslands hélt 7. apríl 2008 vegna heimsóknar Al Gores fyrrver... More...


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